A cookie is a small text file that is stored into your computer when you visit almost any website. It’s usefulness resides in being able to remember your previous visit the next time you visit the website again. The cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, content customization, user statistics, links to social networks, etc. the objective is to adapt the website to your needs, since without cookies the service would need to load all resources, not the ones you’re most likely to use. If you want to learn more about cookies, please visit the following link.
Cookies used by this website
Following the directions of the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Data Protection Agency), we’ll detail the use that this website makes of your cookies, so you can be fully informed:
This website uses the following owned cookies:
- Session cookies, to ensure that the users who upload comments to the blog are human, not automated apps. This is done to fight spam.
This website uses the following third-party cookies:
- Google Analytics: Stores cookies to create statistics about traffic and volume of visits to this website. When you use this website, you are consenting to this treatment of your information by Google. Thus, any exercise of rights will need to be directed to Google.
- Social media: Every social network uses their own cookies, so that you might be able to use the Like or Share functions.
Deactivation or elimination of cookies
You can exercise your right of deactivation or elimination at any time. This acions are executed differently depending on the internet browser you are using. Here you can check a quick guide for the most popular browsers.
- This website or it’s legal owners aren’t responsible of the veracity of the privacy policies of the third-parties mentioned before.
- Web browsers are the tools that store the cookies, therefore it’s where you must exercise your right to delete the cookies. This website or it’s legal owners can’t ensure the correct execution of this actions, or the use that the browsers make of the stored information.
- Sometimes it’s necessary to install cookies so that the browser doesn’t forgive your decission to not accept cookies.
- Regarding the cookies of Google Analytics, this corporation stores the cookies in Unitad States servers, and they are sworn not to share it with third-parties, except when it’s necessary to the system or the law forces them to. According to Google, your IP is not stored. Google Inc. has adhered itself to the Safe Harbor agreement, which guarantees that all your data will be transfered at a security level enough for the european laws. You cancheck detailed information in this link. If you want more information regarding the use that Google makes of the information, you can check this other link.
- Do not hesitate to share with us any doubt you have regarding the cookies policy through or contact form.